Friday, October 11, 2013

Eric's Great day.

Today when I picked Eric up he told me he had to earn five more motorcycles before he got extra PE. I was so thrilled for him! He was so excited. He then told me about his day and what a wonderful day he had. I talked to his teacher about him forgetting to turn his agenda, reading log, and homework in. She said that she would check his backpack daily and walk him through how to turn things in so I wouldn't need to do this daily for him. I was so excited for all the positive changes he is facing. So I decided to take Eric to the PX with me. Normally I have my reservations since it is always crowded and he gets over stimulated. But today is different so I wanted him to feel like I could trust him.

As I started to look at make up he said, "Mom why are you buying this? You don't need it. You are pretty without it." I was so shocked at how he said this. Most kids never say this to their moms. I then replied, "Eric you know something, you are right I don't need this." He then helped me pick out lip gloss and we proceeded to continue with the shopping.

As we were shopping he told one couple how cute their baby was. He was the perfect gentleman in the store. We talked about school, and what I needed. He even helped me pick out my shirt.

This morning he knew I was going to go and get my nails done. He wanted a pumpkin color with halloween on them. So I chose orange nail polish with spiderwebs on  my ring fingers. He looked at them and he said that they were cool and just what he wanted.

Eric is the easiest boy to please. He just wants to be rewarded when he is good. He hates to disappoint anyone. The school thinks I don't do anything to praise him. Eric receives praise all the time. It is the easiest and best reward he could ever want. When Eric does something wonderful or even tries his best all the school can do is praise him and he would want to please them.

Eric even went to a friend's house tonight and he sat there quietly and watched a movie. He was hungry but he was scared to ask for food. When he got home tonight we let him eat and he ate then went I know it is bedtime. He gathered his things and went straight to bed. It was so sweet of him to be so kind. I am hoping that he will learn how to voice that he is hungry, tired, over stimulated, just his basic needs when he is out of his comfort zone. He may never do this but we can try to teach him.

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